Russia’s Invasion and Attempted Conquest of Ukraine Grows Worse

The Russian invasion and war against its peaceful neighbor Ukraine continues to escalate. We learned that Russia has hired private mercenaries, the Wagner Group, to infiltrate Kiev, locate the Ukrainian president and then murder him along with other Ukrainian political leaders.

The Daily Star reports that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin may unleash invisible drones, remote control tanks, and attack dogs on Ukrainians. The Ukrainian government today accused Russia of already using a “vacuum bomb” which is prohibited by the Geneva Convention because it ruptures the lungs, causes people to inhale burning fuel and creates a horrible, fiery death for victims. It is a war crime to use this kind of weapon. Russia has also used cluster bombs in Ukraine against civilians, yet another potential war crime. It is also targeting and killing civilians, destroying hospitals, children hospitals and preschools during its invasion of Ukraine.

Although Ukrainian forces have valiantly fought back against the invading Russian war criminals, there is no doubt that Russia maintains the upper military hand and maintains the military infrastructure and personnel to completely capture Ukraine including its capitol. It really is only a matter of time.

Meantime, after the United States’ intelligence community’s absolutely brilliant steps to undermine and expose all of Putin’s lies and attempts to muddy the water in recent weeks, the Western World, and part of the Eastern World, have imposed a series of devastating economic sanctions against Russia. The sanctions have largely cut Russia off financially from the rest of the world, have made it very difficult for the government and Russian citizens to access assets abroad, have cut off air travel to Russian commercial aircraft and have cut off much of Russian banking.

The consequence has been that the Russian currency has collapsed, at one point it was worth less than one U.S. cent. The interest rates in Russia, over night have quadrupled to 20%. There are runs on Russian banks as citizens attempt to access cash, and there is even talk of social instability due to the relatively immediate and swift economic actions by the international community.

This is only the beginning of the war and the beginning of the economic consequences in Russia.

Some have questioned the need to take steps that harm average Russians. However, the international community must make clear that an act of war, mass murder and genocide against a peaceful neighbor will be met with swift consequences that will be felt by all citizens. This is the only way to “send the message,” not to select only certain individuals for economic punishment (which they can then avoid and obfuscate by working with people who are not sanctioned). All of Russia will need to pay an economic cost for this murderous invasion much the same as the rest of the world will pay an economic cost for holding Russia rightly accountable for their attrocities.

Donald Trump is not a Traitor and is not “Dangerous”

Is Donald Trump a racist?  Yes.  Is Donald Trump a sexist?  Yes.  Is Donald Trump an idiot who can’t keep his bullshit straight?  Yes.  Is he a failed business man?  Yes.  Is he actively violating the constitution?  Yes.  But is Donald Trump a traitor?  NO.  Is Donald Trump “Dangerous”?  NO.

After Donald Trump’s thorough ass kissing and boot licking of Putin on Monday, as well as his repeated statements trashing his own country on foreign soil, Trump’s critics have taken to calling him “dangerous” and a traitor.  The reality is he is neither.

For what is a traitor? Article 3, section 3 of the Constitution gives us the definition:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Has Donald Trump levied war against the United States?  No.  Is Donald Trump giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States?  No.  Is he giving aid and comfort to an adversary or competitor of the United States?  Sure, by trashing our country and kissing up to the murderous Russian dictator and protecting Russia, he is giving aid to Russia, a foreign power.  But we are not at war with Russia, and Russia is not our enemy.  To throw around a word like “traitor” without evidence or proof waters it down and turns it into nothing but another partisan soundbite.

In 2003, President George W Bush started a war in Iraq that lead to the deaths of 4,000+ American military personnel, the wounding and maiming of thousands more, the deaths of 200,000+ Iraqis, including thousands of innocent people, and cost trillions of dollars.  The war was based on a pure manufactured and intentional lie of WMDs, and has led to Iran extending its influence into Iraq and the creation of ISIS. That was dangerous.  That got people killed and all for an evil lie of WMDs.

What dangerous activity has Trump engaged in?  He had a useless meeting with a fat little slovenly dictator in North Korea and turned himself into a clown by saluting a North Korean military officer.  He turned himself into a clown in front of our allies.  He showed himself to be a brown-nosing kiss-ass to Putin and is probably on Putin’s payroll.  But is any of that going to lead to the deaths of thousands of Americans?

Some may say fine, Trump has not engaged in treason or dangerous activity, but he is evil. What evil has Trump engaged in?  He has put thousands of children in cages at the border and separated them from their parents for no reason other than to scare people away from lawfully claiming asylum or trying to come to the United States.  That is, without a doubt, evil.  He uses his office to enrich himself and his family.  That is corrupt and evil.  But it pales in comparison to the evils committed by Bush.  Trump is an incompetent president, but he is better than Bush and less evil than Bush.

What Trump has done with Russia is corrupt and embarrassment.  And his corruption and lies will be exposed for what they are–a part of a Trump scam where he is being paid off by Russia (and maybe China) to put in place policies that harm the United States’ national interest to Russia’s (and maybe China’s) benefit.  Impeachable, if true?  Yes.  Criminal if true? Probably.

Treasonous? No.

Trump Supporters Don’t Care that Trump is Putin’s Servant

After witnessing Trump slobber all over Putin’s manhood yesterday during the press conference, while at the same time trashing his own country, many people, including myself once again returned to the question: will this be enough to convince Trump supporters?  The answer is no, it will never be enough.  Most people already know that, but not too many people can answer the follow up question, why won’t Trump supporters admit reality?

You have to understand that there are only two kinds of Trump supporters:  racist fanatics (including closet racists who pretend not to be or have a pretext for being racist), and conservatives who will support a racist if it means they will get a right-wing supreme court and right-wing laws pushed through under Trump.

There is arguably a third category of Trump supporters, but those people have long abandoned Tump.  These were the people fed up with our supposedly “booming” economy, union blue collar folks who have been told that globalization and China’s gutting of our industrial jobs sector is a “good thing” by the “smart people” in the Democratic and Republican parties.  But these people have now seen through Trump’s fraud and lies and know he’s not really there to help them or to protect their jobs.

The first category, the racists, don’t care if Trump bows down to Putin.  To them, the U.S. is a multicultural toilet and is quickly going down the drain due to all of the ‘poor ignorant people’ from shithole countries coming here and mixing in with white people and watering down our white values and religion.

The second category of “conservative at any cost” is pretty self explanatory–the ends justify the means.

But perhaps you are now wondering, how could even racist Americans (or closet racists) support a guy that is Putin’s clear bitch and who trashes his own country?  Well this is where you need to go talk to them, as I did the other day.  I received a full explanation of how the FBI conducted the mass murder of nearly 60 people at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas last year in order to take away people’s gun rights.  This is what they really, truly believe.

So if you are a racist and see white man and fellow racist Trump standing up next to a mass murdering white man, Putin, who will you trust?  You’re multicultural country that just recently elected a black guy president, with an FBI that murders dozens of people to take away guns, or Trump?

This is the reality these people are living in, it is a delusional racist fantasy world, and they will not see facts or evidence.  They will only see hate.  You can never win over a Trump supporter.  Don’t ever try.  But you sure can learn what drives their insane, delusional, fact and and evidence free racist fantasies.

Trump Increases Attacks on FBI

During the last few weeks, Trump and his allies have been increasing their attacks on the FBI.  Besides the absolutely stunning turn of events in which a “conservative” is attacking American law enforcement and siding with the Russian government, there has to be a motive behind the attacks.

We learned today that Trump’s attorney general Jeff Sessions was interviewed by the Mueller investigators very recently.  This is yet another extraordinary step, where a sitting attorney general is interviewed during an active criminal investigation into the president he serves.  This coupled with recent news that Mueller wants to also interview Trump, and somewhat less recent news that Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner hired a crisis management public relations team, suggests that we are nearing the end of the investigation (perhaps a few months away), and that Team Trump is very concerned about unfavorable results.

Logically, you would not interview a senior official like the attorney general or the president or the president’s son in law unless most of your investigation was wrapped up.  You don’t go after the big dogs without first having all of your ducks in a row.

If I had to guess I would say that Jared Kushner is looking at criminal liability, and Eric Trump Jr., may also be looking at criminal charges.  Unclear if this will reach to the President.  If the investigation turns away from alleged campaign improprieties with the Russians (that, while nefarious and unethical, may be difficult to criminally prosecute), and instead turns to money laundering for international organized crime (which is where Trump’s former brain trust Bannon thinks this is going), things will probably look worse for president Trump.